Innovate Wisely™: Partnering with CEO’s and Directors operating in complex environments who are looking to translate innovate ideas into commercially viable products and services and make large scale impact.

Innovate Wisely™: Partnering with CEO’s and Directors operating in complex environments who are looking to translate innovate ideas into commercially viable products and services and make large scale impact.

Innovate Wisely offers Unparalleled Support in Achieving Your Vision

At Innovate Wisely, we are committed to your success. We are dedicated to empowering organisations, innovators, and teams to bring their visions to life. Our core offering lies in innovation process improvement, where we specialise in enhancing and optimising every aspect of your innovation journey.

Do you have a great idea or initiative or complex project that needs some first aid to either become real or get back on track?

Are you frustrated with how well your teams implement ideas to create change and solve problems? 

We understand the need for businesses, enterprises, and communities to be  innovative to find unique solutions to complex problems.

  • We understand:
    • the need for Corporates to be innovative, to stay competitive or gain efficiency, and to create large scale impact
    • how difficult it can be for teams to be effective when solving complex problems and delivering unique solutions
    • how difficult navigating innovation can be – to know what to do next
    • how easy it is for complex initiatives to go astray and how costly that can be
    • how easy it is to lose trust and then momentum.

We are engineers who love to innovate as well as project and portfolio managers, so we understand how difficult, frustrating, disappointing, or confusing it can be when:

  • Getting your idea off the ground in a way that suits your customer
  • Trying to nurture your idea so that it continues to thrive and grow
  • Dealing with complex projects or initiatives
  • Your idea fails to be taken up or to thrive
  • Your passion project or a project that you’ve committed resources to is just not getting the traction you expected,
  • Knowing what to do next.
  • Getting your complex project back on track with effective process improvement.

The Innovate Wisely team is led by Lee Foster and Joeri (Yuri) Timmermans. Lee and Joeri (Yuri) have been doing innovation and teaching innovation practices for well over 10 years a piece.

Our unique approach, using the InnoWise process, is based on science-backed research (undertaken at QUT).

Our unique approach supports process improvement by combining the science-based, InnoWise process with world’s best practice systems, tools and methodology to provide structure.

We combine that process with well-known ways of doing innovation, like design thinking, lean startup, scrum, agile, and business modelling, to guide you on what’s best, when to use, and how to use. Our tools include unique measures and thematic analysis techniques, so you can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions. As the saying goes, if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

Our customers value the insights we can provide, the clarity they can have, and the satisfaction they feel when they know what to do next.

The [Knowledge Canvas] infograph is… stuck up on the wall in the office to quickly glance at and keep a visual focus. InnoWise is backed by firsthand research, and can provide you with great insight into your company’s current position. They ask the right questions to highlight the areas to focus on for any future decision making. Lee’s passion shines through in her work, and is great at adapting that same passion to your endeavours. InnoWise is on your side!

Jordan Earl, Business Development Manager, Four Rivers
“The tools provide a good insight and it all makes sense.”
Andrew Heley
Andrew Heley, National Manager R&D, Innovation and Assets
“There is value in the [Knowledge] Canvas, as it provides a great conduit for ongoing conversations and would be most beneficial to use through the entire lifecycle of the project.”
Andrew Heley, National Manager R&D, Innovation and Assets
“It is good that the [Knowledge Pulse] survey’s can be deployed in a flexible manner [email, interview, workshop] – to suit a variety of circumstance and people’s ability to engage.”
Andrew Heley, National Manager R&D, Innovation and Assets
Using the Innowise framework focus’ the user’s attention on capturing knowledge through the innovation lifecycle. It introduces new concepts that don’t appear in traditional project plans eg: trust, energy, knowledge, collaboration etc.
Gavin Kenny, Gavin KennyManager SHEQ – Innovation and Promotion
The Knowledge Canvas helps focus your thoughts and ideas and be concise in exactly what you are trying to achieve.
Gavin Kenny, Gavin KennyManager SHEQ – Innovation and Promotion
The Knowledge Pulse questions are clear and enable feedback to be received in a constructive manner, focusing conversations on opportunities for improvement.
Gavin Kenny, Gavin KennyManager SHEQ – Innovation and Promotion

Book a free Insight Call

Please book a time that suits to discuss where your team or organisation is currently performing and where you would like to be. In this call, we will offer some insight into what a trust and knowledge based innovation process could look like for you and we’ll share some tools that you can start using straight away.

We need to do better at creating impact through effective innovation

We offer a comprehensive, effective, science-based, world class system of products and tools that support process improvement that:

  • Guide you to harness the new knowledge
  • Provide measures that make sense for innovation, and
  • Create valuable insights in a timely manner.
Brisbane Business consulting helping your business to grow

Address the risk of Innovation and Avoid the Kodak Moment

We offer three core services to reduce risk through effective innovation:

  1. upskill your team with a series of masterclasses and workshops
  2. deep dive to solve complex problems and get complex projects back on track
  3. speak on the importance of trust to drive the momentum that innovation needs.
We help your business to thrive

Looking for the InnoWise Portal App to create you Canvas?

  • Registered user – head for the ‘InnoWise App’ tab in the menu
  • Want a sneak peek at the InnoWise App portal – check out the youtube
  • Want to register for a 30 day free trial – please click, ‘Register me’

Learn more

Watch our founder, Lee Foster, provide a conference presentation, provide insights on a podcast, or download case studies by heading to our resource page